Wechsler Individual Achievement Test – Second UK Edition (WIAT® - II UK) D. Wechsler The WIAT-II provides reliable assessment of reading, language and numerical attainment in one test. An expanded age range, more comprehensive items, and streamlined test materials are just a few of the many benefits of the new Wechsler Individual Achievement Test® - Second UK Edition (WIAT® - II). WIAT – II is a rich, reliable source of information about an individual’s achievement skills and it allows you to assess problemsolving abilities by evaluating the process as well as the product. The WAIT – II is unique in that it is directly linked to the WISC IV and so provides excellent comparisons of achievement and ability. There are 3 measures of reading. Word Reading.

  1. Wechsler Individual Achievement Test Validity
  2. Wechsler Individual Achievement Test Overview

Reading Comprehension. Pseudo-Word Decoding There are 2 measures of numerical attainment. Numerical Operations. Mathematical Reasoning There are 2 measures of written language attainment.

Spelling. Written Expression There are 2 measures of oral language attainment. Listening Comprehension. Oral Expression In order to better assess both low and high-functioning individuals, WIAT-II includes more comprehensive items that provide a lower floor and a higher ceiling. With WIAT-II™ you can choose the subtests you need to administer, engage examinees with interesting tasks that are instructionally relevant, and develop plans with detailed skills analysis information.

WIAT – II allows you to go beyond the correctness of a response and begin to examine how the individual solves problems and employs strategies and how this performance matches curricular expectations. Using the WIAT-II with adult examinees The WIAT-II was standardised on children aged 4 years to 16 years 11months in the UK.

However, adult norms form the US study are available from 17 to 85 years by simply purchasing the adult scoring and normative supplement for use with your existing materials. WIAT-II for Teachers The WIAT-II UK-T is the most comprehensive UK-normed assessment package designed for access arrangements, statementing and general literacy levels. The WIAT-II UK-T is the only test for specialist teachers currently offering subtests in the three key areas of reading:.


untimed single word accuracy. reading comprehension. reading speed. It provides the following:. Single Word Reading - includes letter identification, phonological awareness, letter-sound awareness, accuracy and automaticity of word recognition. Reading Comprehension - stories and sentences include literal, inferential and lexical comprehension, oral reading accuracy and fluency and word recognition in context. Reading Speed - for 6 to 16 years 11 months.

Words per minute (WPM) can also be recorded for the full age range. Reading Rate - this is calculated from the Reading Comprehension subtest. The quartile scores identify the slow and accurate, slow and inaccurate, fast and accurate and fast and inaccurate reader. Single Word Spelling - includes letter-sound correspondence for vowels, consonants and consonant blends, regular and irregular words, contradictions and high-frequency homonyms. In addition to a full set of US norms for the adult population, WIAT-II UK-T provides up-to-date UK norms for children and adolescents. Based on 800 children, across all geographic regions, the data accurately represents the current UK population aged 4 to 16 years 11 months according to the 2001 UK census data.

Wechsler Individual Achievement Test Validity

The WIAT-II UK-T is available to Learning Support Educators and Registered Counsellors. NEW New New Training W orkshops:, and Pricelist can be downloaded here:. Mindmuzik Media is an HPCSA accredited training provider. Visit our R section for information about the scoring bureau,new norms to download, etc. Widely used to evaluate people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, the ABAS-3 assesses adaptive behaviour in individuals from birth to 89 years of age. It is particularly useful in evaluating individuals with developmental delays, autism spectrum disorder, intellectual disability, learning disabilities, neuropsychological disorders and sensory or physical impairments.

New Products. NEW Free A3 Bullying Posters! Contact to request the posters. Bullying: An Overview- The following assessments could assist with identifying potential/actual bullying or behaviour/attitude and/or effects of being bullied: Reynolds Bully-Victimization Scales for Schools. Adolescent Anger Rating Scale™ (AARS™). Aggression Questionnaire (AQ).

Adolescent Psychopathology Scale™ (APS™). Beck Youth Inventories™ - Second Edition. Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ).


Coping Responses Inventory (CRI). Interpersonal Behavior Survey (IBS). Resiliency Scales for Children and Adolescents. Conflict Tactics Scales. Detailed Assessment of Posttraumatic Stress™ (DAPS™).

Wechsler Individual Achievement Test Overview

Interpersonal Behavior Survey (IBS). Trauma and Attachment Belief Scale (TABS).

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Trauma Assessment Inventories. Trauma Symptom Inventory™-2 (TSI™-2).

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