Toshiba E Studio 195 Manual

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. The o ffici al na me of Windows XP is Micros oft W indows XP Ope rating System. The of ficial name of Window s Vist a is Mic rosof t Window s Vist a Opera ting Sys tem. The of ficial name o f Wind ows 7 is Mi crosof t Wind ows 7 Operat ing Sy stem. The o ffici al na me of Window s 8 is Mi crosof t Wind ows 8 Oper ating System.

Micros oft, W indows, Windo ws XP, Window s Vist a, Windo ws 7, Wi ndows 8 and the b rand nam es and product names of other Microsoft products are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. And/or other countries. Apple, App leT alk, Maci ntosh, a nd Mac are tr ademar ks of Apple C ompute r, I nc. And othe r countries.


Pos tScr ipt is a t rad ema rk of Ad obe Sy ste ms In cor por ated. NOVELL, NetW are, a nd NDS are tra demark s or re gister ed trad emarks of Nov ell, In c.

Mylar i s a regis tered t rademar k of DuP ont T eijin F ilms U. Limi ted Partn ership. Mol yko te is a reg ist ered t rad emar k of Dow C orni ng Cor por atio n. FLOIL is a regist ered tradema rk of Kanto Kasei Ltd.

CORPOR A TION. iCL ASS is a t rade mar k o f H ID Cor por ati on.

MIF ARE is a t rad ema rk of R oya l Phil ips E lec tro nic s. Other co mpany names a nd produ ct name s in thi s manual are the tradema rks of the ir respe ctive companies. When tra nsport ing/in stall ing th e equi pment, employ two per sons an d be su re to h old th e positions as shown in the figure. The equipment is quite heavy and weighs approximately 27 kg (59.5 lb.), therefore pay full attention when handling it. Be sure n ot to hol d the mov able p arts or units (e.g.

Th e ADU) w hen tran sporti ng the eq uipmen t. Be sure to use a de dicate d outlet with AC 120 V / 12 A, 220-24 0 V / 8A for its pow er sour ce. The equi pme nt m ust be g rou nded for saf ety. Select a sui table pl ace for in stall ation. A void exc essive h eat, hig h humidi ty, dust, vi bration a nd direct sunlight.


Toshiba E Studio 195 Manual

Provide proper ventil ation s ince the equ ipment emits a slig ht amou nt of o zone. T o insur e adequ ate wor king sp ace for t he copy ing oper ation, k eep a mi nimum cl earanc e of 80 cm (32”) on the left, 80 cm (32”) on the right and 10 cm (4”) on the rear.

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The equ ipment shall be ins talle d near the soc ket ou tlet an d shal l be a ccessi ble. Be sure to fix and plug in the powe r cable secure ly aft er the in stall ation s o that no one trip s over it. When the equipme nt is use d afte r the op tion is r emoved, be sur e to inst all the part s or the covers which have been taken off so that the inside of the equipment is not exposed.

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