Basic Electronics Theory Study Guide

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First, there are three types of books for Electronics in Indian market for two types of target audiences. Type 1: people who have a real interest in electronics and want to understand electronics and build real electronic stuff. At the most, 4 books are more than sufficient to clearly understand concepts and to build real electronic circuits from scratch: 1. Electronic principles, author: malvino, 6th US edition, 1998.( for a person with a little knowledge on electronics and on a budget of 1500 rupees). Electronic circuits handbook for design and applications, author: tietze, schenk.

( if you afford to invest some money, this is the best book on electronics ever written. In India, this book is way too expensive but worth it. In short, this book alone is sufficient.) 3. Foundations of analog and digital electronic circuits, author: Anant Agarwal, 1st edition,2009.(For the absolute basics of electronics and most affordable of the 4 books. You can get this book for as low as 200 rupees in Moore market, if you have patience and skill to bargain.) 4. The art of electronics, 2nd US edition, Horowitz and Hill.


(I just bought one a couple of days back at an affordable price in Moore market store. I have not yet read sufficient pages to tell how good the book is as compared to the above books.) 5. Calculus for electronics, Malvino, 1977. ( not mandatory. Quick reference to step by step proof of derivations given in these books) 6.

Website videos: (free video lectures by Anant Agarwal. Not really mandatory if you have even a very little basic). These books make you understand real electronics and the beauty of the subject. Also, you need to put in really good effort to read through each line word by word to get the concept. ( understanding half of the first book alone takes me 3 months @ 5 hours per day. Solve Self assessments, critical thinking tasks and problems using pen and paper without calculator unless asked in book. Type 2: marks, grade, memorise If you want to pass your college semester paper with no interest in concepts, look for a book called “Electronic devices and circuits” by Boylestead This book has the most emphasis on problems, equations and solutions along with book back 2 mark questions.

There is literally no sufficient concept or interest from the author to explain the concept. The worst book I have read on electronics by a foreign author till date. And I completely regret wasting time reading this. Trust me, you will not get a complete understanding of even a single concept, even if you read this book for years. But just enough for exams. Type 3: The university preferred, written by the professor, HOD or his friend. Best for the teacher’s feet lickers.

Indian author books are shitloads of garbage. Targeted for the absolute schoolgirl/ schoolboy type. It will have definitions not exceeding 3 lines each, results of important concepts, 2 marks question with answers below, 5 mark questions with answers below, a few circuits with solutions and university old question papers with answers. And nothing else. These Indian authors are pure money minded book writers with no proper knowledge about the subject themselves. It’s like a newbie reading a concept in morning from a book, take notes for an exam in the afternoon and writing a new book by evening with those notes and putting their name as author with zero understanding of the concept. And a few of the college professors will ask their students not to read foreign author books and to read only local author (his/her) books for exams.

May be these people have some commission percentage offered for selling a set number of books I guess. I know both a few lecturers and students of this type myself. Out of my respect for the university, I don’t want to name them. Bottom line is, avoid picking these type 3 books if you care about understanding concepts. Edit: just want to thank you guys for reading though the answer and for your upvotes.

Just a gentle request to people here in quora: I would love to get old copies of the following books as I don’t like reading from latest edition and the global edition cost a lot and have lot of matlab/ pspice codes which I don't mind skipping. So if anyone who have used copies of these books and wanna sell them, please do let me know.


I would buy them if u have them and if I can afford the price. Foundations of analog and digital electronic circuits, Anant Agarwal. Basic circuit theory, desoer Digital communication, 1987 US edition, sklar. Linear and Nonlinear circuits, chua.L.O. Digital computer electronics, hard back us edition malvino.

Student manual of the art of electronics, us 2nd edition Horowitz and hill. Digital signal processing, us 3rd edition, proakis. I prefer us edition because there is sufficient spacing between paragraphs and lines are with medium sized dark fonts.

Basic Electronics Theory Study Guide Answers

Make: Electronics by Charles Platt has been a Amazon best selling book specifically written to give a hands on learning approach to learning basic electronics and is considered by many to be the best book in modern years for any beginner in the field of electronics. The writer, Charles Platt, is a well established author and helps you get your hands dirty learning electronics by building practical circuits. This, combined with the fact the 1st edition was so well received, has caused to be considered a instant classic by most.

Part of the charm of the book is how easily anyone 10–100 could quickly get started building and understanding electric circuits. This has been made easy by the popular available that contain all of the parts to follow along with the book and allowing the reader to complete the experiments as they go. Currently the Make Electronics 2nd Ed book and it's accompanying component pack are #1 Amazon best sellers in multiple categories. I suggest you the book: A fabulous book: well written, well paced, fun, and informative. I also love the sense of humor. It's very good at disarming the fear.

And it's gorgeous. I'll be recommending this book highly.' -Tom Igoe, author of Physical Computing and Making Things Talk A 'magnificent and rewarding book. Every step of this structured instruction is expertly illustrated with photos and crisp diagrams.

This really is the best way to learn.' -Kevin Kelly, in Cool Tools The first edition of Make: Electronics established a new benchmark for introductory texts. This second edition enhances that learning experience. Here you will find unique, photographically precise diagrams of breadboarded components, to help you build circuits with speed and precision. A new shopping guide and a simplified range of components, will minimize your investment in parts for the projects.

A completely new section on the Arduino shows you how to write properly structured programs instead of just downloading other people's code. Projects have been reworked to provide additional features, and the book has been restructured to offer a step-by-step learning process that is as clear and visually pleasing on handheld devices as it is on paper. Full color is used throughout. As before, Make: Electronics begins with the basics.


You'll see for yourself how components work-and what happens when they don't. You'll short out a battery and overheat an LED. You'll also open up a potentiometer and a relay to see what's inside.

No other book gives you such an opportunity to learn from real-life experiences. Ultimately, you will build gadgets that have lasting value, and you'll have a complete understanding of how they work. From capacitors to transistors to microcontrollers-it's all here. Hans Camenzind, inventor of the 555 Timer (the world's most successful integrated circuit chip), said that 'This is teaching at its best!'

When he reviewed the first edition. Now the second edition offers even more! I’m really declined to suggest any books for beginners, the reason is electronics is very small theoretical analyze and more of practical oriented. Anywayz, I will recommend the books that I had during my college days. The Art of Electronics( Every nook and corner of electronics can be find out here) It is really a big book but worth it. The practical electronics for inventors(This will have oscilloscope images and working of digital electronics practically).

I have had books of Linear Circuit for electronics problems and some important laws. In my graduate degree, I have used my own notes from the lecturers, I have referred only least books during my master studies, my professors notes were more than enough for me during my master studies to recap the principles and laws.

Apart from these books, subscribing to any electronics magazine will be good for long run. Refer minimal books and work practically. There are number of books, each one find one easy while other difficult. Maximize the usage of foreign authors, refer local authors only for syllabus not for the entire concept understanding. During my undergraduate studies, I have learned that many of the Indian local author books are either copy pasted in bad manner leaving out some important aspects of the electronics derivation and concepts. They are poorly edited and made for exam perspectives, there are some good professors from India who had written it well.

(Personally I liked books written by Nagurkani, salivahanan, nagarth and gopal and Kothari) There might be some more good indian authors but please consult with your respective professors and students before referring any local author books for electrical engineering. By A Textbook for the students of B.E./B.Tech. (Electronics, Communication, Electrical,. (Electronics) Diploma in Electronics and Communication and also useful for city and Guilds London Institute. Basic Electronics, meant for the core science and technology courses in engineering colleges and universities, has been designed with the key objective of enhancing the students' knowledge in the field of electronics. Solid state electronics being a rapidly-evolving field of study, each topic has been extensively researched for the latest updates and the authors have supplemented the chapters with customized pedagogical features. The required knowledge in mathematics has been developed throughout the book and no prior grasp of physical electronics has been assumed as an essential requirement for understanding the subject.

Detailed mathematical derivations illustrated by solved examples enhance the understanding of the theoretical concepts. With its simple language and clear-cut style of presentation, this book presents an intelligent understanding of a complex subject like electronics.

Happy Learning. I suggest you to start with Microelectronic Circuits by Adel S Sedra and Kenneth C Smith. This book will guide you through the basics of electronics. This book is basically for analog circuits. But the way they had came into the analog section is beautiful.

They slowly start with semi conductor section, then move to signals, then digital and finally enters analog with amplifiers section. Personally I love this book a lot. So I always suggest an amateur reader to start with this. The language is simple. Anyone can understand.

It's a 1500 page book and always good for reference purposes. Getting started in electronics by Forrest M Mims is also good. But not for graduate level. But it is well written and will generate interest in students who is starting to learn electronics. Thanks for A2A!

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